Yet another JDK release that is on track - JDK 20 GA is almost here. Another opportunity to summarize changes and improvements in Hotspot´s stop-the-world garbage collectors for the JDK 20 release.

This release does not contain any JEP for the garbage collection area, but the JEP for Generational ZGC reached Candidate status just recently, so maybe it will be ready for JDK 21. :)

Other than that, the full list of changes for the entire Hotspot GC subcomponent for JDK 20 is here, showing around 220 changes in total being resolved or closed.

Parallel GC

  • The only notable improvement to Parallel GC is parallelization of the handling of objects that cross compaction regions JDK-8292296 during Full GC.

    Instead of having a single-threaded phase at the end that iterates and fixes up these objects, worker threads collect objects crossing their local compaction regions and handle them on their own. M. Gasson, the contributor, reports 20% reduction of full gc pause times in select cases.

Serial GC

  • There were no notable changes for Serial GC. There have been quite a few changes cleaning up the Serial GC code.


Broadly speaking JDK 20 provides all items on that long “What’s next” list in the previous report - and more :)

  • JDK-8210708 reduces G1 native memory footprint by ~1.5% of Java heap size by removing one of the mark bitmaps spanning the entire Java heap. The Concurrent Marking in G1 blog post includes a thorough discussion of the change.

    That posting also obsoletes the information about concurrent marking in the original G1 paper. There is not much left in the paper that is accurate about current G1.

  • Actually, in some way that blog post is out-of-date already too: JDK-8295118 moves a sometimes lengthy part of preparation for concurrent marking called Clear Claimed Marks out of the concurrent start garbage collection pause. A new phase called Concurrent Clear Claimed Marks will show up in the logs with gc+marking=debug logging.

  • Preparing for future region pinning support in G1, JDK-8256265 decreases the parallelization granularity when handling regions that were pinned by the user (or could not be evacuated because there is no space left in the Java heap). Instead of handing out entire regions on a per-thread basis the task granularity is parts of regions now.

    This makes threads share work better, significantly reducing unproductive waiting for completion.

  • JDK-8137022 makes refinement thread control more adaptive. Previously, during a garbage collection pause G1 calculated discrete thresholds at which a particular refinement thread got activated (and deactivated) at mutator time to help with refinement. This calculation has been based on the allowed time the user wanted to spend on refining cards (the option -XX:G1RSetUpdatingPauseTimePercent) in the garbage collection pause, the most recent interval to the next pause and lots of magic.

    Due to not observing the application directly, like accounting for recent incoming and refinement thread processing rate of work, and the expected time left until the next garbage collection, refinement thread control was strongly biased to wake up and do more work than necessary in a bursty fashion to avoid too much work left for the collection pause. This behavior not only wastes CPU cycles in the refinement threads, but has another drawback: few cards were left unrefined on the Java heap. That sounds good to have, but below a certain level this can be somewhat counterproductive. The write barrier needs to perform more work whenever there is a new, unvisited card as described here than if the card remains in the queue for later processing.

    Not only does the additional activity of refinement threads takes away cpu resources, but G1 also repeatedly refines the same cards without reducing the work left for the pause much.

    Taking mutator activity into account with the change, G1 better distributes refinement thread activity between pauses, and leaves more cards on the refinement task queues for longer, which reduces the rate of generation of new cards and achieves the user’s intent (i.e. -XX:G1RSetUpdatingPauseTimePercent) more deterministically. In the end this often takes less cpu cycles away from the application, providing better throughput.

    Several G1 garbage collector options related to the old refinement control were obsoleted, causing the VM to exit at startup when used. The release note details them.

  • G1 uses local allocation buffers (PLABs) to reduce synchronization overheads during the garbage collection pause. PLABs are resized based on recent allocation patterns to reduce unused space in these buffers at the end of the garbage collection pause. If there is little need for allocation, they shrink, otherwise they grow. This per-collection pause adaptation works well for applications that have fairly constant allocation between garbage collections; however this does not work well if allocation is extremely bursty. The PLABs will be too large a few garbage collections after there is little allocation during garbage collection, wasting space, or too small when allocation spikes, wasting cpu cycles reloading PLABs.

    On some platforms we noticed very long pause spikes in the range of seconds due to that. The change in JDK-8288966 adds some reasonably aggressive resizing of PLABs during garbage collection to counter these situations.

  • A significant amount of effort has been spent in JDK 20 to improve predictions that are used to size the young generation which are ultimately responsible how long garbage collection takes (this bug tracker query gives an overview).

    Better prediction makes G1 observe the pause time goal better (as specified by -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis), which reduces pause time overshoots and increases usage of the available pause time goal by using more young generation regions per garbage collection. This increases pause time within the allowed goal, but can decrease the number of garbage collections significantly. We have measured applications that spend 10-15% less time in garbage collection pauses with these changes.

  • JDK 20 disables preventive garbage collections by default with JDK-8293861. Preventive garbage collections were introduced in JDK 19 to avoid G1 not having enough Java heap memory for evacuating objects (also called “evacuation failure”) during garbage collection. Handling of regions that experienced an evacuation failure has traditionally been fairly slow, so the argument for that feature has been that it is better to do a garbage collection that does not have such an evacuation failure preemptively in the hope that it frees up enough memory to avoid these evacuation failures completely.

    The problem is how to anticipate this situation correctly. The predictions G1 used to determine whether to start a preventive collection proved to be suboptimal, and often started preventive collections unnecessarily and too early. This wastes time. There were also many cases where the preventive collection would not be triggered, making the application experience evacuation failures anyway. Finally, these kind of garbage collections made garbage collections more irregular, which if they occurred, generally made predictions harder.

  • There is a new GarbageCollectorMXBean called G1 Concurrent GC introduced with JDK-8297247 that reports the occurrence and durations of G1 Remark and Cleanup pauses. These pauses also update the G1 Old Gen MemoryManagerMXBean memory pool information now.

In summary, I believe there are significant additions to garbage collection worth upgrading, even if only later with JDK 21.

What’s next

Work for JDK 21 is already full steam ahead. Here is a short list of interesting changes that are already integrated or currently in development. As usual, there are no guarantees that they will make the next release - although it is highly likely that the ones already integrated will stay ;).

  • After improving refinement thread control, JDK-8225409 removes the Hot Card Cache. This data structure has been in some way a workaround for the problem described above that refinement has been too aggressive, and it is advantageous to keep cards unrefined for longer. In this mechanism, for every card G1 kept a counter about how often it had been refined in this mutator cycle, and if that count exceeded a threshold, the card was not refined and kept in a small fixed-size ring buffer until it would either be evicted from there because of overflow or garbage collection occurred.

    After the JDK 20 refinement thread control changes above, we could not measure any impact of the Hot Card Cache any more. The current refinement control seems more than lazy enough with refinement to subsume Hot Card Cache functionality.

    This frees up 0.2% of Java heap size of native memory for other use.

  • There is ongoing work on improving G1 behavior in presence of high region-level fragmentation. Currently, if G1 can not find a contiguous range of memory for a humongous object allocation even after a Full GC, the VM exits with an OutOfMemoryException although in aggregate there would be enough memory available. This PR changes the behavior of the “last-ditch” G1 Full collection to also move humongous objects to create more contiguous memory. This should in many cases avoid the OutOfMemoryException at the cost of a longer full collections.

    Since “last-ditch” G1 Full collections occur only right after there had been a regular G1 Full Collection, the lengthening of that collection seems an acceptable trade-off to avoid VM failure.

  • To improve the resilience of G1 against regions that failed evacuation (or are pinned in the future) swamping old generation, there is work progressing on allowing G1 to evacuate these Old regions at any garbage collection as soon as possible after they are generated.

    The current policy for regions that failed evacuation is to make them Old regions, which means G1 can not allocate into them any more, although most often they only contain a few live objects. These also do not have remembered sets, so the only way to reclaim space from them is waiting for the next concurrent marking to complete. If many regions are failing evacuation, potentially across multiple garbage collections, the Java heap fills up quickly with these typically very lightly occupied regions. This can easily lead to a Full GC.

    This change will completely remove the previous assumption that young-only collections would never collect old generation regions. Although technically, G1 has already been trying to collect some humongous objects which are Old generation regions since JDK 8u65, so that assumption has not strictly held for a long time…

  • Some unsuccessful attempts to improve the predictions for preventive garbage collections led to the decision to remove this functionality completely with JDK-8297639 given that handling of regions that failed evacuation has little overhead, and will be even less with the work suggested above. The additional garbage collections cause many problems without providing benefits.

More to come in the next months :)

Thanks go to…

Everyone that contributed to another great JDK release. See you in the next (LTS) release :)
